The story of
Clarine Coffin Grenfell
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Milkweed in Fall
Will God, Who hides inside each pod
Seeds for a hundred springs,
Neglect to send, when my fall comes,
The necessary wings?
Clarine Coffin Grenfell, from The Caress and the Hurt, 1982

Grenfell Reading Center Publications

The Caress and the Hurt
Clarine Coffin Grenfell
Illustrator: Lornagrace Grenfell
ISBN-13: 9780961276607

Women My Husband Married
Clarine Coffin Grenfell
Illustrator: Lornagrace Grenfell
ISBN-13: 9780961276621

Roses In December
Clarine Coffin Grenfell
Illustrator: Lornagrace Grenfell
ISBN-13: 9780961276614

A Backward Look
Clarine Coffin Grenfell
ISBN-13: 9780961276638

Sheep Island Chronicles: Growing Up in Downeast Maine
Ruby Kelley Dobbins
ISBN-10: 0961276321

Long Ago and Far Away, 1936-1945
Edgar Thurlow Pitts
ISBN-13: 978-0961276676

When I Open My Window: Reflections for the Living of These Days
Chandler W. Gilbert
ISBN-13: 978-0961276683

A Fluttering of Wings
Hazel Andrews Morrison
ISBN-13: 978-0961276645

Rekindle the Fire! Antidote to Burnout
John Peters Webster
ISBN-13: 978-0961276669

Maine Memories
Luther Varney
ISBN: 0961276325

Celebrate Life!
Richard J. Lambert
Illustrator: Lornagrace Grenfell
ISBN: 0-961276-31-7

Looking Back from the Nineties
James R. Carter and Richard J. Lambert
ISBN: 9780961276317
Set Out the Cups
When I get home, I thought, I’ll make the tea.
I’ll put the kettle on, set out the cups —
Yours white, mine blue — and then we’ll sit and talk
About the service . . .
How the people sang
The ‘Alleluias’ in your favorite hymn!
How blue the heather was — almost as blue
As that you picked in Cornwall long ago
And tucked into my hair! And how our son,
So like you, made them laugh (Imagine that!)
With loving stories of his dad, and how
The gentle scent of roses followed us
As we filed out to stand among the stones . . .
When I get home, when I get home, I thought,
I’ll make the tea, we’ll sit for hours and chat.
I’ll put the kettle on, set out the cups —
Set out the cups . . .
no, put the white one back.
Clarine Coffin Grenfell, from The Caress and the Hurt, 1982

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